Title Curative Workshop for the Land Professional - FULL

This course is full.  A repeat of this course is scheduled for August 28 in Houston.

Designed for the landman, the lease and title analyst and the division order analyst, this workshop will take a look at the requirements found in typical title opinions, and discuss the types of documents needed in order to fully satisfy these requirements.  We will cover lease amendments and extensions, affidavits, ratifications, releases, subordinations, quitclaim deeds, stipulations of interest, probate proceedings, powers of attorney, tax certificates and more.  Examples of the types of forms to use in each situation will be provided, with suggestions as to the correct way to prepare each one. Attendees are encouraged to bring the details of actual curative issues for discussion.
REGISTRATION FEE: $195.00 for AAPL, NALTA, and NADOA members; $225.00 for non-members.

ACCREDITATION: This seminar has been accredited by AAPL for four (4) CPL/RPL/RL recertification credits, by NALTA for four (4) CPLTA core recertification credits, and by NADOA for four (4) CDOA recertification credits.
Event Sponsor: ELI Seminars, LLC
Event Contact:  Rebecca Mock
                       (713) 300-1413
How to register:
(The HAPL does not sponsor or endorse this event but posts it for the benefit of those in the community seeking to further their landman education.)
Speaker Curtis D. Horne, CPL

Curtis D. Horne & Assoc.

Organizer Rebecca Mock


Thu, June 26, 2008
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(GMT-0500) US/Central
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Fulbright Tower Auditorium
1301 McKinney, Mezzanine Level
Houston, Texas 77010