SOLD OUT - Joint HAPL/WHAPL/NHAPL January Luncheon

Join us for this annual luncheon jointly held by the WHAPL, HAPL, and the NHAPL.  This year the luncheon is hosted by WHAPL.  Our speaker for this luncheon is Knute Lee, President AAPL.  Knute's will provide us with a very interesting update on the industry.

Please register online by clicking on the yellow registration link above.  If you're an HAPL member you can pay online as well.  If you prefer to register the old fashioned way, follow the instructions on the luncheon registration form which is found at the attachment link below.

hAPL members, please make sure  you check in at the HAPL table when you arrive at the luncheon.


Speaker Knute H. Lee, Jr.
President AAPL Knute H. Lee Jr., CPL, is an independent landman from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and is the president of the American Association of Professional Landmen (AAPL). He began his career as a landman working for a family-owned oil and gas business operating primarily in the Williston Basin. He is ...


Knute H. Lee Jr., CPL, is an independent landman from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and is the president of the American Association of Professional Landmen (AAPL). He began his career as a landman working for a family-owned oil and gas business operating primarily in the Williston Basin. He is the owner and operator of KHL, Inc., a privately held brokerage, oil, gas, mining and investment company, involved with land and drilling efforts, concentrating primarily in the western United States.

Knute has been an active member of the AAPL since 1976, serving as treasurer in 1987, second vice president in 1993, first vice president in 2005, and as the AAPL region VIII director for more than 20 years. He has also served on numerous committees such as chairman of the educational foundation, the NAPE organizing committee, the annual meeting committee, the ad hoc compensation committee, the ad hoc name change committee, the issues management council and as the chairman of the prayer breakfast held at AAPL’s Annual Meeting.

Knute has been the treasurer and vice president of the Rocky Mountain Association of Mineral Landmen and is the current president of the Albuquerque Petroleum Association. He is on the board of directors of the Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico, has served as co-chair/membership for the Independent Petroleum Association of America and is a member of the New Mexico Landmen’s Association. He serves on the board of directors for a number of local corporations including Santa Fe Trust Company and the Albuquerque Petroleum Club. He is also a member of the Rotary Club of Albuquerque.

He served on the board of trustees, is the past chairman of the personnel committee and has been a Sunday school teacher for more than 20 years at Hoffmantown Baptist Church. He is on the board of directors for the New Mexico Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the New Mexico Baptist Foundation.

As an undergraduate at the University of North Dakota, Knute majored in business and sold door-to-door during the summers. While a student, he became active with Campus Crusade for Christ and eventually went to work for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He is happily married to his college sweetheart, Annie. Their three children Kirsten, Kjelse and Cody are grown, “colleged, married and jobbed,” leaving time for travel, golfing with Annie, fishing on the San Juan River in New Mexico and working in the exciting oil, gas and mining industry.


Full Description
Organizer Diane Snyder


Thu, Jan. 18, 2007
11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
(GMT-0600) US/Central
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800 Bell Street
Houston, Texas 77002